Traverse City



Survivor Stories


Traverse City

Lives saved






Thunder storm

Thunder storm

Traverse City

44.7630567°N, -85.6206317°W

Posted on May 3, 2018 by Robert and Judy

What happened?

We were rescued via a combined response by both the Canadian Coast Guard and the U.S. Coast Guard. The Canadian Coast Guard’s Trenton, Ontario Joint Rescue Coordination Center (JRCC) dispatched a C-130 SAR aircraft and a helicopter, and they also requested aid from the U.S. Coast Guard, which dispatched a helicopter from the Traverse City, Michigan base.

Once it became apparent the U.S. helicopter would arrive first, the Canadian helicopter returned to base. The first aircraft to arrive, about three hours after our kayak capsized, was the Canadian C-130. It confirmed our location and maintained sight contact pending the arrival of the U.S. Coast Guard helicopter. When the U.S. Coast Guard was nearing the site, the C-130 dropped smoke and light flares to help guide the helicopter to our location. It was the U.S. Coast Guard Helicopter crew that performed the actual rescue, employing a rescue swimmer to take us, in turn, to the waiting rescue basket to be hoisted aboard. They then transported us to the airport serving the nearest hospital, in Wawa, Ontario, where we were taken by ambulance to Lady Dunn Hospital and treated for hypothermia.

Words of wisdom

We were rescued via a combined response by both the Canadian Coast Guard and the U.S. Coast Guard. 

Thank you note

Thank you to everyone at ACR.

Rescue location

Traverse City, Michigan

Rescue team


Product image

AquaLink™ View

Go to product details

This Product Has Been Discontinued.   **NOT FOR SALE IN U.S.A.   Head offshore with the confidence of the handheld AquaLink™ View Personal Locator Beacon (PLB). Its digital display provides all the important information about the beacon's functions, including GPS positioning and transmission bursts. Plus, its buoyant design means that if the AquaLink View accidentally falls overboard, it'll float. Have peace of mind knowing that if a boat emergency should occur, this personal emergency beacon will quickly relay your position to satellite networks, and reduce search and rescue time.  



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