Rob Roy Glacier



Survivor Stories


Rob Roy Glacier

Lives saved






Medical emergency

Medical emergency

Thunder storm

Thunder storm


Rob Roy Glacier

-44.5098065°S, 168.7418316°E

Posted on May 3, 2018 by American

What happened?

On a family walk to the Rob Roy Glacier we were approached by a man asking if we were carrying a PLB. A visiting American tourist had collapsed further up the track. This area does not have cell phone coverage so the man was going to run back to the start of the track and then drive 10km to the nearest farm house to contact emergency services. We ran up the track until we came across the patient, and activated our ACR Resqfix beacon. The Wanaka Search and Rescue team arrived by helicopter and the patient was winched aboard. He was taken to a waiting ambulance in the valley where it was decided his condition was serious enough to call the rescue helicopter from Dunedin. He was flown to Dunedin and has made a full recovery.

Words of wisdom

We ran up the track until we came across the patient, and activated our ACR Resqfix beacon. 

Thank you note

Thank you ACR!

Rescue location

Rob Roy Glacier

Rescue team

Local Search and Rescue

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This Product Has Been Discontinued.    #PrepLikeAPro with the AquaLink™ PLB. This rescue beacon is small enough to carry in your pocket, yet strong enough to accurately relay your position to a network of search and rescue satellites, should a boat emergency occur. Have peace of mind knowing that this personal emergency beacon consistently takes the 'search' out of 'search and rescue'.  


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