





What are my obligations with regard to registering and re-registering my beacon?

A beacon should be registered at the time of purchase or installation. The registration of a beacon is valid for 2 (two) years. The owner should re-register the beacon every two years. If change of ownership occurs, the original owner must notify the authorities and de-register the beacon before the new owner can register.

I used an ACR/Artex beacon two years ago and was rescued from a dangerous situation. Am I eligible for the free replacement beacon?

The Survivor Club, with all of its program benefits, became active on October 1, 2012. However, if you legitimately activated a beacon prior to that time, please contact marketing@acrartex.com to discuss what options may be available to you.

The EPIRB that I used in my rescue is very old and is not manufactured by ACR any longer. Which of your current EPIRBs will you be sending me as a replacement?

Based upon the technology and features that are found in the EPIRB you used, we will send you a replacement with equal or greater technology/features.

Is free installation included with my replacement beacon?

We provide you with only the free replacement beacon, not the cost of any installation.

Why is it so important for me to register my beacon?

Registering the EPIRB, ELT or Personal Locator Beacon is required by law in the United States and in most countries. Registering is very important because should your beacon ever be activated, it is how Search and Rescue Teams will know who you are, and contacts provided may be able to supply information about your specific travel plans. In the absence of this information, it may take longer for a search-and-rescue operation to begin.

What will happen if I do not replace the battery before the expiration date?

The chances of surviving a life threatening situation is greatly diminished if proper care and maintenance is not given to a beacon.

How do I know the beacon is working?

Perform a self-test. If the test passes, the beacon is working. If self- test does not pass, take/send the beacon in for service. Please not that there is an limited amount of self-tests that can be preformed until battery life is affected. We would recommend you view your recommended self-test number in your units manual or on the unit’s product page on this website.

How do I register my beacon?

406 MHz Beacons must be registered with the National Authority of the country you live in.

Step 1. Visit our Registration database to find the appropriate National Authority
Step 2. Register with your countries National Authority via Mail, Fax or for the fastest service register online.

Registration in the United States

The national authority that accepts beacon registrations in the United States is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Here are three easy ways to register:

1.) The fastest and easiest way to register is online at www.beaconregistration.noaa.gov . Recommended method. Verify and validate information before submitting.

2.) Mail the registration form with the pre-addressed, postage paid envelope to:

1315 East West Hwy
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Please print legibly.

3.) Faxing a registration is also acceptable. Fax the registration form to the Fax number on the bottom of the registration form. To reduce the possibility of erroneous entry please verify legibility of information and validate information on form to UIN on beacon before faxing. Please print legibly and in BLACK ink.

All registration forms will be entered in the 406 MHz beacon registration database within 48 hours of receipt. The information you provide on the registration form is used for rescue purposes only.

A confirmation letter, a copy of the actual registration and a proof-of-registration decal will be mailed to you within two weeks. When you receive these documents, please check the information carefully to ensure that the information provided on the label agrees with the information on the beacon and then affix the decal to your beacon in the area marked “BEACON DECAL HERE.” If you do not receive confirmation from NOAA in the expected timeframe, or if the information on the label is incorrect call toll free 1-888-212-7283 for assistance.

Registration outside of the United States

In countries other than the United States, 406 MHz beacons are registered with that country’s national authority at the time of purchase. The sales agent should have assisted you in filling out the forms and sending them to the country’s national authority. Alternatively, visit our Registration database or many countries allow online registration in the International 406MHz Beacon Registration Database (IBRD) at www.406registration.com.

To verify that the unit is properly programmed for your country, view the UIN label on the back of the unit. In the event that the beacon is not programmed for your country, the sales agent (if properly equipped) can reprogram the unit for the correct country.

I tried to register my beacon but the authorities tell me that it needs a different ID number programmed in. Do I need to send this back to you?

This can be done by any Certified Battery/Service Center. Please have your registration form and beacon available when contacting a Certified Battery Replacement Center for assistance.


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All content on the ACR Electronics, Inc. site is provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind either express or implied including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, title, non-infringement, security or accuracy.

The statements within this site reflect our understanding of current and proposed legislation, which may change without notice.

The content of this site should not be regarded as specific advice in relation to the matters addressed.

Nothing in these terms and conditions limits our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence.

These terms and conditions and any disputes shall be governed by and in accordance with law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the State of New York courts.


How do I know when the battery is due for replacement?

There is a battery expiration date label on every beacon. It can be found either in the back or on the sides of the beacon itself.

Do I have to replace the battery if the beacon goes off by mistake and why?

Yes, as this is a lifesaving device it should be diligently maintained to perform as specified. It will need a new battery as any inadvertent activation will deplete the existing battery.

Is there any special instruction for shipping a battery or a unit with the battery in it?

There may be, depending on the beacon that you have. Due to transportation regulations changes, some ACR & Artex products that contain lithium batteries may need to be shipped as Hazmat. Please visit the product page for your product and review the download tab for the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).

Where do I take/send my unit for battery service?

Visit our Battery / Service Locator. Contact the battery/service station for instructions on how to send the beacon to them. Please contact the BRC for the cost for this service. Or call us at 1-954-981-3333 and one of our customer support agents will help.

Can I buy a battery from you and replace it myself?

Please reference the product manual specific to the applicable product. Unless the product manual states that the product has a user replaceable battery, the battery of any EPIRB or Personal Locator Beacon needs to be replaced by an ACR Certified Battery Replacement Center (BRC), where trained technicians will perform this service.

ARTEX ELT batteries can be replaced by Authorized Service Centers (ASCs). However, ELT batteries are user-replaceable, but ELTs may require local approval prior to reinstallation in an aircraft. Please check your local regulations.


What is a GPS Self Test?

Newer GPS (sometimes referred to as GNSS) equipped beacons may also include an optional GPS Satellite Acquisition Self Test (not all GPS beacons have this ability), which tests the operation of the GPS Receiver and its ability to encode your location into the transmitted distress message.

It is not uncommon for this test to only be permitted to be performed once or twice over the life of the battery (e.g. every couple of years), as this type of test can significantly reduce the battery life of the beacon. For beacons installed in commercial craft there are often regulatory requirements that define how often these tests should be performed.

Are there any Beacons that I can't test Through the Satellites?

Yes, in particular some older models of Beacons do not transmit a 406 MHz burst, so they cannot be tested in this way.

In addition some current other manufacturers models of Beacon incorporate features (e.g. a rolled up one time only use antenna) that reduce their radiated power output during a Self Test and therefore these beacons do not transmit a signal that is strong enough to reach the satellites.

What should I do if I get a Self Test failure?

If you get a Self Test failure, first check the instructions in the user manual supplied with your Beacon, make sure you carried out the test correctly and that you have followed any instructions provided. If you are sure your Beacon failed the self test then you should contact the beacon manufacturer or one of their appointed service agents for further advice and instructions.


How does one take care of a beacon?

Taking care of a beacon is quick and easy. Routine maintenance is part of having the beacon ready at all times. Follow the maintenance recommendations in the Owner’s Manual.

How do I get a replacement antenna for my Beacon?

Contact any Battery/Service Center for replacement. Please have the beacon in hand and be prepared to provide the beacon model number and whether the unit is in warranty or out of warranty.

Survivor club

I lost my EPIRB/PLB at sea during a rescue operation and cannot send it to you in exchange for a replacement beacon. What do I do?

Please contact marketing@acrartex.com to determine what other proof of ownership exists and provide us with details of the rescue. If we can confirm through this process that you owned one of our beacons and legitimately used it in a rescue, you are eligible for a free replacement beacon.

Once someone enters the Survivor Club program, you replace their used beacon with a new beacon. Is that because an ACR or Artex beacon can only be used once before it must be replaced?

Absolutely not. ACR and Artex beacons are built to be used multiple times, though the battery should be replaced after each use. The purpose behind our replacement offer is to incentivize legitimate survivors who have used an ACR/Artex beacon to share their experiences with other outdoor sports enthusiasts who may one day benefit from the use of a lifesaving beacon.

I used your beacon in a rescue, but I don’t want to replace it. Am I eligible to receive another item of value in exchange for becoming a member of the Survivor Club?

We understand you may not want to give up the beacon that was instrumental in avoiding a tragedy. If this is the case, we will arrange to have the used beacon serviced for you free of charge, including replacement of the battery, O-rings, and gaskets, and we will perform a full test sequence.

If I don’t have any photos of my rescue, can I still participate?

If you don’t have a rescue-oriented photo, you can submit a photo of you and/or any others (family/friends) who were involved in the rescue, or a photo of your boat/plane/jeep/camp/etc.

Must the beacon I used be manufactured by ACRArtex in order to participate in the Survivor Club?

Yes, at this time, we are restricting the program to ACR/Artex beacons only.

I live in Australia. Do I quality to become a Survivor Club member?

Yes, SurvivorClub.com is for anyone, regardless of where they live, who uses an ACR/Artex beacon in a life-threatening situation. Certain restrictions apply so please read our terms and conditions.

Company policies

Acceptance of Terms

By using this site, you agree to the terms described on this page. If you do not agree to these terms, do not use this site. As these terms can change, please review our terms periodically. Your continued use of this site after changes to our Terms and Conditions have been made means you agree to abide by those changes.


This site may provide links to third-party sites for your convenience and information. If you access those links, you will leave the ACR Site. ACR Electronics, Inc. nor its subsidiaries or associated companies control those sites and do not endorse directly or indirectly any information or make any representations about third-party sites or the owners and ACR Electronics, Inc. are not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, advice or statement made through the site by any party other than ACR Electronics, Inc. or any content provided on linked sites or the capabilities or reliability of any product or service obtained from a linked site.
Any comments, reviews, stories, media or materials sent to ACR Electronics, Inc. or any of its subsidiaries or associated companies through this site, including suggestions and responses to questions, shall be deemed to be non-confidential. ACR shall have all rights to such comments and materials and may use them as it sees fit.


The copyright, trademarks, logos and service marks (“Marks”) displayed on the ACR website are the property of ACR Electronics, Inc. and other parties. Users are prohibited from using any Marks for any purpose other than the purposes of this site without the written permission of ACR Electronics, Inc. or such third party which may own the Marks. All information and content available on or through the ACR Electronics, Inc. website (“Content”) is protected by copyright.

Customer Credit Application

Please contact ACR and ARTEX Sales for our latest Customer Application and Credit Application form: sales@acrartex.com or Complete our Contact Us Form

Survivor Club Terms & Conditions

Brought to you by ACR Electronics, Inc. [ACR/ARTEX]

Program Description
If you use your ACR or ARTEX 406 MHz EPIRB, ELT or Personal Locator Beacon in a lifesaving emergency that results in your life being saved by search and rescue personnel, ACR/ARTEX will replace your beacon with a new beacon of equal or greater value (hereinafter, the “Program”) subject to the terms and conditions described herein.

How To Participate:
To request your replacement, please visit http://www.suvivorclub.com and submit your rescue story along with a photo or video related to the rescue.  You must also mail your existing beacon, along with its corresponding proof of registration, to ACR Electronics, Inc., Re: 406 Survivor Club, 5757 Ravenswood Road, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312.  Once we verify your rescue with the proper authorities, we will mail you a new beacon of equal or greater value, provided all other terms and conditions have been met.  For more information visit: http://www.suvivorclub.com.

By participating, you agree to be bound by the requirements of ACR/ARTEX in regards to the Program, including these terms and conditions.  You also certify that you are 13 years of age or older at the time of submission.  ACR/ARTEX’s decisions will be final on all matters relating to the Program.

Additional Terms:

The Program will be subject to the following additional terms and conditions:
1. Beacon used in an actual emergency rescue must be a 406 MHz EPIRB, 406 MHz Personal Locator Beacon or 406 MHz Emergency Locator Transmitter manufactured by ACR Electronics Inc., or ARTEX.
2. 406 MHz EPIRB/PLB/ELT must have been properly registered with the national authorities in user’s country of residence prior to emergency activation.
3. Registration is quick, easy, and free.  Unregistered beacons do not qualify.  For more information about registering your beacon visit /support/registrations/
4. 406 MHz EPIRB/PLB/ELT must have valid batteries.  Beacons with batteries that have expired, as indicated by the battery replacement date on each beacon, do not qualify.
5. Program is for replacement beacon only.  Beacon accessories such as ELT antennas, ELT remote switch, installation costs, etc. are not covered by this Program.
6. Beacon must be returned to ACR/ARTEX at ACR Electronics, Inc., Re: 406 Survivor Club, 5757 Ravenswood Road, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312.  Beacons lost during rescue will be handled on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of ACR/ARTEX .
7. ACR/ARTEX has the right to verify details of the rescue with the proper authorities.  Participants will fully cooperate with ACR/ARTEX in this regard and promptly provide any information requested by ACR/ARTEX.
8. ACR/ARTEX will replace your beacon with a new beacon of equal or greater technology as determined by ACR/ARTEX in its sole discretion and subject to availability.
9. Limit one replacement per person.  Replacement beacons will not be eligible for replacement unless used again in an emergency situation resulting in a rescue.
10. Exclusions apply.  Rescues prior to October 1, 2012 do not qualify for a new beacon.
11. Beacons found to be activated in a non-emergency, or false activations or discharges not resulting in a lifesaving rescue, will not be honored.  Any willful false activations, ACR may turn over such cases to law enforcement, or other appropriate agency(ies), and violators will be subject to fines, civil damages and criminal penalties.
12. ACR/ARTEX reserves the right to discontinue the Program at any time by posting a notice on the www.acrartex.com website.
13. All international, federal, state and local taxes are the sole responsibility of the participant(s).

Use of Personal Information and Publicity:

ACR/ARTEX will take full ownership of all returned beacons and may display, photograph or use such beacons for marketing or advertising purposes.  ACR/ARTEX may also gift or loan returned beacons to customers and dealers in its sole discretion.

Information collected in connection with the Program will be used by ACR/ARTEX to administer the Program and to inform participants about their products, services, promotions and offers.   In addition, acceptance of the replacement beacon constitutes permission to ACR/ARTEX, its affiliates, subsidiaries, licensees and agencies, to use and license survivor’s first name, city, state, likeness, survival story, photos and/or video submissions, for purposes of advertising and trade without further compensation, unless prohibited by law.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, participant(s) last names and other contact information such as email address, mailing address, phone number, etc., will not be made publicly available by ACR/ARTEX without the participant’s consent.

The participant(s) may also be invited to make publicity appearances or attend commercial shoots, although attendance will not be mandatory.

Limitation of Liability:

By accepting the replacement beacon, participant agrees to hold ACR/ARTEX, and their respective directors, officers, employees and assigns, harmless against any and all claims and liability arising out of use of the replacement beacon.  Participants assume all liability for any injury or damage caused, or claimed to be caused, by participation in the Program or use or redemption of any replacement beacon.

ACR/ARTEX is not responsible for any typographical or other error in the printing of the offer or administration of the Program. ACR/ARTEX is not responsible for incomplete, lost, late, damaged, illegible or misdirected e-mails or for any technical problems, malfunctions of any telephone lines, computer systems, servers, providers, hardware/software, lost or unavailable network connections or failed, incomplete, garbled or delayed computer transmissions or any combination thereof.  ACR/ARTEX is not liable for damage to any computer system resulting from participation in or accessing or downloading information in connection with the Program.


CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE ANY WEB SITE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM IS A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAW. SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, ACR/ARTEX RESERVES THE RIGHT TO DISQUALIFY AND SEEK DAMAGES FROM ANY SUCH INDIVIDUAL TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW.  In the event of a dispute regarding any submission, the submission will be deemed made by the original purchaser of the registered beacon.   ACR/ARTEX reserves the right to modify the Program or disqualify a participant if fraud, misconduct or technical failures destroy the integrity of the Program as determined by ACR/ARTEX, in its sole discretion.  These Terms and Conditions are governed by the law of the State of Florida, excluding rules governing choice of laws. Any action, suit or case arising out of, or in connection with, the Program or these Terms and Conditions must be brought in either the federal courts located in the Southeast District of Florida or the state courts located in Broward County, Florida.

All standard terms, conditions and warranties applicable to the replacement beacons shall apply.  In the event of inconsistencies between such terms, conditions and warranties and these Terms and Conditions, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.

Terms and Conditions of Sale

Please click on the link below to read our Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale.

ACR Return Material Authorization (RMA) Policy

You can find a copy of our RMA(Return Material Authorization Policy Below:
ACR Electronics, Inc. RMA Policy

Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy


This policy applies to all persons working for or on behalf of ACR Electronics, Inc. family of companies in any capacity, including:
Employees at all levels,
Agency workers,
Seconded workers,Volunteers,

ACR Electronics, Inc prohibits the use of modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations, supply chain and routes to market.   We have and will continue to be committed to implementing systems and controls aimed at ensuring that modern slavery is not taking place anywhere within our organization or in any supply chains or in any onward routes to market in the distributor network.  We expect that all our stake holders will hold their own stakes holders to the same high standard.

ACR Electronics, Inc. represents that it has implemented measures to prevent and prohibit activities described in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) paragraph (b) of the clause at 52.222-50, Combating Trafficking in Persons, and to monitor, detect, and terminate any contract with a Party engaging in prohibited activities identified at paragraph (b) of the clause at 52.222-50, Combating Trafficking in Persons; and after having conducted due diligence, either:
1. To the best of the ACR Electronics, Inc.’s knowledge and belief, neither it nor any of its proposed agents, subcontractors, or their agents is engaged in any such activities; or
2. If abuses relating to any of the prohibited activities identified in 52.222-50(b) have been found, the Party has taken the appropriate remedial and referral actions.
Modern Slavery is a term used to encompass slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labor, bonded and child labor and human trafficking.  Human trafficking is where a person arranges or facilitates the travel of another person with a view to that person being exploited.  Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights.

We shall be a company that expects everyone working with us or on our behalf to support and uphold the following measures:

1. We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery in our organization, our supply chain and our distribution network.
2. The prevention, detection and reporting of modern slavery in any part of our organization, supply chain or distribution network is the responsibility of all those working for us and on our behalf.  Stakeholders must not engage in, facilitate or fail to report any activity that might lead to, or suggest, a breach of this policy.
3. We are committed to engaging with our stakeholders to address the risk of modern slavery in all our operations.
4. We take a risk-based approach to our contracting processes and keep them under review.  We assess whether the circumstances warrant the inclusion of specific prohibitions against the use of modern slavery and trafficked labor in our contracts with third parties.  Using this risk-based approach we will also assess the merits of writing to stakeholders requiring them to comply with this policy beyond ensuring that all stake holders receive a copy of this policy.
5. As part of our ongoing risk assessment and due diligence processes we will consider whether circumstances warrant us carrying out audits of stakeholders for their compliance to this policy.
6. If we find that other individuals or organizations working on our behalf have breached this policy, we will ensure that we take appropriate action.  The actions may range from considering the possibility of breaches being remediated and whether that might represent the best outcome from those individuals impacted by the breach to terminating such relationships.

Supplier Requirements

ACR Electronics, Inc. (ACR) is strongly committed to corporate social responsibility and global citizenship. Our Supplier Requirements and Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy require employees, directors, officers, affiliates, and all third parties that conduct business with or on behalf of ACR to act with fairness and integrity, observing high standards of personal and business ethics.

We partner with our suppliers to ensure a supply chain that is committed to the safe and ethical sourcing of materials and products, is free from unethical business practices, and is respectful of human rights. Suppliers who compromise their commitment to these Supplier Requirements compromise their potential business with ACR.

Product Conformity and Safety

All items and work to be delivered to ACR shall consist of new materials, not used, reconditioned, remanufactured, or of such age as to impair its usefulness or safety.

The supplier shall provide ACR with documented evidence that raw material and/or special processes conform to requirements via certificates, chemical analysis and / or tests as indicated on the purchase order. All applicable data shall be included with the certificate of conformance.

ACR works continually toward a conflict-free supply chain with ethical sourcing of materials and products. ACR supports the Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative and its flagship Conflict-Free Smelter Program and supports responsible sourcing, including from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and adjoining countries.

Our supply chain program strives to ensure that purchased products do not contain minerals that directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups, including in the DRC or an adjoining country.

ACR suppliers are expected to:
1. Supply conflict-free materials and products
2. Respond to requests for information on sources of supply
3. Perform due diligence on suppliers and sources of materials for products used or provided to ACR

ACR designs and builds quality products knowing they are used to save lives.  ACR requires that our supply chain deliver conforming products knowing that they will be incorporated into lifesaving equipment.  Equipment that may one day save the life of a Supplier’s friend or loved one.
Ethical Sourcing and Behavior

All Suppliers shall procure parts, components, items and products that are DRC conflict-free.  Additionally, ACR requires that our suppliers source tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold from smelters whose due diligence practices have been verified and validated by independent third-party auditors.  Upon request, Suppliers shall furnish annual reports on their supply chain management and the use of conflict-free materials.

ACR is committed to conducting business with the highest levels of integrity and in compliance with both the letter and the spirit of these Supplier Requirements, our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy, and the law. We expect suppliers to conduct business in the same manner.

Anyone conducting business with ACR is expected to:
1. Avoid even the appearance of unethical or compromising business practices
2. Avoid any agreements that restrain competition
3. Avoid any agreements that restrain resale or pricing on resale
4. Refuse money, cash equivalents, gifts of more than nominal value, excessive hospitality, loans, or other special treatment from present or prospective suppliers that might influence, or appear to influence, business or purchasing decisions
5. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the countries in which they operate

Human Rights
ACR customers, suppliers, and employees represent virtually every race, national origin, religion, culture, political philosophy, and language. The diversity is the foundation of our business excellence and embodies ACR’s respect for human rights and dignity of all people. ACR is committed to protecting and upholding human rights through our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy found at https://dev.acrartex.com/support/faqs/faq.

ACR suppliers are expected to:
1. Treat their employees and contractors with dignity and respect
2. Maintain policies and procedures to safeguard against key human rights issues, including discrimination, child labor, and forced labor
3. Provide safe working conditions, reasonable working hours, and just remuneration
4. Respect freedom of peaceful assembly and association

Following the law
Suppliers shall comply with all laws, regulations, and policies applicable to them and their dealings with ACR, including all applicable government contractual requirements, which apply through contracts with ACR. These laws, rules, regulations, and policies include:
1. Equal employment
2. Environment, Health and Safety
3. Anti-discrimination and harassment
4. Human rights
5. Anti-corruption and bribery
6. Conflicts of interest
7. Codes of business conduct

We encourage anyone with concerns about potential violations of the law or of our Supplier Requirements or our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy to make a report through our Compliance Department by emailing tradecompliance@acrartex.com.